Original uploaded on 4 Jun 2017 with 583,245 views
Hi! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Intro - Stay by BLACKPINK
Outro - House of Cards by BTS ( Video - 2017 BTS LIVE TRILOGY EPISODE III THE WINGS TOUR Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuntX... )
✔I DID NOT include sub-units and solo Music Videos
✔I included only ONE Music Video per song (But if the special/dance/drama version had more views than original, then I included that MV, not the original)
✔If the MV was posted on 2 channels, I included Music Video from channel that had more views
✔If the Korean MV was translated in other languages (Chinese/Japanese) I DID NOT count it. BUT if group released ORIGINAL song in other language, only then I included it
✔I do NOT own any of these clips and any of these songs except the editing
✔All credit goes to the rightful owners
✔No copyright infringement intended
DO NOT REUPLOAD THIS VIDEO AS YOURS (つ ಥ_ಥ )つ ) If You will, I'll take it down without asking :)
Hope You enjoyed! :)